Hey guys, and welcome to Silbert Records. If you read the 'About Us' page or if you've come here from an external source I presume you already know what we do, but I'll explain again; we basically exist to press forgotten, but well loved and underrated children's television soundtracks onto vinyl -- as well as other formats eventually.
This all started when composer Chris Neal gave me his blessing to do what I wanted with his songs for Johnson & Friends and Lift-Off - and so here we are. (I have to say, it absolutely helps when composers keep publishing rights for their work!)
If my releases take off, you can expect a lot more to come. I will update this blog with any upcoming changes or potential future releases. We'll have to see how it goes, but this journey is one I'm very excited for.
Enjoy your time here!
- Joseph (the boss man)

Pictured above: the 'Silbert Records' archives.